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GYROKINESIS® Chakra Caduceus

Updated: Sep 29, 2022

The brain cannot breathe.

The brain needs ventilation.

If the brain does not breathe, the spine cannot breathe.

If the spine is not alive, your entire body is not alive.

If the polarities (left side / right side) aren't harmonized, there will be chaos in the body.

If the gut does not breathe, the organs cannot breathe properly.

If the organs don't breathe in harmony with each other, a proper cardiovascular function is not possible. Also, all the meridians need to have proper circulation, otherwise there will be blockages everywhere.

This is why performers of physical activities are full of pain.

Therefore, the total functioning of the whole depends entirely on the preparation.

This is the essence of the orchestration of wellbeing. - Juliu Horvath GYROKINESIS® creator

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